How much does it cost to convert to a concierge medicine practice?

CEO and Founder Mercury Healthcare International Physicians interested in starting or transitioning to a concierge medical practice or direct pay business model ask me who much it is going to cost to convert their existing practice. All throughout the internet you can find people advertising "free stuff", including concierge medical practice transitions. Let's do some...

Will Concierge Medicine or Direct Pay Models Thrive in a Small Town Environment?

 CEO and Founder Mercury Healthcare International Frequently, I receive inquiries from physicians interested in a change to their business model. But their greatest concern is that there may not be an adequate addressable market in the community where they are located. There isn't a standard formula by which to calculate success potential without setting a...

The Growing Trend of Pharmacy Tourism

 CEO and Founder Mercury Healthcare International Many people don't follow their physician's instructions because they can't afford to do so. Part of the problem is that there is a solution to their problem but it is inaccessible where they live. They just cannot access the treatment because of its cost. Enter Pharmacy Tourism as a...