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21 Things To Do When You Decide It’s Time to Transition Your Practice to Concierge Medicine – Checklist
1. Clarifying your goals & objectives. Why do you want to transition to concierge medicine? Doctors all want to offer better care and service to their patients, but, today, that’s not enough. We want to help you examine your goals, expectations, and resources, so we can create a branding strategy, an operational infrastructure and marketing system that will serve you for many years.
2. Identifying your ideal members. For many, the starting point is to identifying your ideal concierge member patients, the challenges they’re facing, and the services (minimum viable product) they’re looking for. This often leads to the best array of concierge member services you can offer them.
3. Analyzing your concierge medicine practice competition. Before jumping in with both feet and burning bridges with traditional patients, you need to position your practice by identifying, analyzing, and tracking competing practices in your market or patient catchment area. This involves knowing where to look for information and what to look for.
4. Positioning your brand. Your goal is to identify the perfect combination of concierge amenities and pair them with good medicine – the practice and services that are needed, but haven’t yet been offered. Your practice not only has to serve your needs, and your patients’ needs, but it must be obviously different and better than currently available concierge medicine practices in order to compete and win.
5. Exploring business model options. A lot of my coaching time involves helping clients evaluate the pros and cons of the different concierge and direct practice options and franchise options such as Signature and MDVIP. As always, informed clients make the best business decisions.
How I can help you move to the next level of taking action?
6. Choosing the right business model and marketing strategy. In concierge medicine, the business model and membership fee in exchange for services perceived by the patient as valuable plays a crucial role in concierge medical practice success, especially those where the membership is paid annually. Our worksheets, checklists, and templates can help you choose and test the best model and array of services for your concierge medical amenities product.
7. Organizing ideas into a viable business and marketing plan. Many physicians find it difficult to organize ideas into an actionable business plan and marketing strategy. If you aren’t going to ask for money from a bank or investors, you don’t need a long drawn out business plan, you need an action strategy. Let’s not spend money building a traditional business plan that won’t be used for that purpose. Working together, and using my worksheets, I can help you organize your ideas into ideas, action items, strategies, and metrics that can measure if what you chose to do is working and how well.
8. Finding the time to plan. Today, time management is more important to your concierge medical practice transition, than the quality of your ideas or your previous plans that never got executed. Working together, I can help you find the time to plan and help you set up a strategy that can be executed and that you can commit to. There’s no need to experience the stress of last-minute “deadline madness!”
9. Exploring, formatting, and writing your marketing strategy and action steps. Many physicians run into trouble because they don’t know how to manage all that “social media stuff”. We can help you decide how you will participate in social media and content marketing, so you can establish authority in order to build your brand. We can also share format and website options that can get your membership roster up and producing revenue as soon as possible.
10. Working more efficiently. Transitioning your practice on time involves setting up your revised business operations for maximum efficiency to be able to work with fewer staff helpers and making the most of your technology, and tools. Software, mHealth apps, templates, and an efficient website will increase your productivity without having so much staff on the payroll.
11. Avoiding and, if necessary, overcoming fear of sales. We share tips and strategies for marketing and selling memberships to your concierge practice, so that a patient sales closer and membership helper can let you be the doctor, and know what to say and how to say it to prospective members of your concierge practice.
How I can help you promote your practice and get more members
12. Public relations and marketing. Marketing plays a central role in the success of your practice. How are you going to get the word out? I can help you evaluate your current online and offline presence and help you create a realistic, step-by-step, membership sales and marketing plan.
13. Promoting your practice in the community. The best time to promote your practice is before its fully launched. I help clients choose the right marketing tools to pave the way for a successful concierge medical practice launch while building it.
14. Obtaining quotes and testimonials from patients. Pre-launch endorsements from patients who are willing to go on record and other physicians with whom you exchange referrals can play a major role in the successful launch of your practice. Let us share my system for identifying and approaching appropriate prospective members and other physicians for obtaining endorsements and quotes.
15. Blog planning & website setup. We often help clients make the right content (title, mission statement, sidebars, editorial calendar) and design choices before selecting a blog platform or graphic designer. In many cases, we often help clients choose the right designers by knowing what to look for and the right questions to ask.
16. Building your newsletter list. Popularized by Seth Godin’s Permission Marketing, we can guide you as you create online incentives to build your email mailing list and keep in touch with clients, prospects, and concierge medicine members at consistent intervals. We can help you set up an ongoing program that gains strength each month.
17. Content marketing. We can help you establish authority. We create a synergy between establishing your brand and marketing your membership package, building demand for your insight and services before your grand opening, using an editorial calendar to schedule your blogging topics and other marketing activities. Your patients will be proud to share your insight and articles and tell friends and co-workers to “Read what my concierge physician sent me today. What did your doctor send you today?“
18. Attracting followers. Like Schmike! Collecting “Likes” is a waste of time and meaningless if it doesn’t produce value for your members or revenue for your practice. We help you develop an proactive approach to blogging and social media, rather than the last-minute, reactive “me too” approach of so many practices. We will also help you create social media content calendar for consistent blog updates and social media support, one that can leverage your key ideas across multiple platforms. We show you how to write once and reuse on many channels to touch your members no matter how they use social media.
How I can help you earn higher profits from your concierge membership practice
19. Identifying back-end profit opportunities. Profits from membership sales, alone, are seldom enough! We help you set up a business plan for your amenities-based services and elective treatments and procedures. It’s essential that you have a system for exploring post-publication profit options like follow-up supplemental, health coaching, speaking, and other services like bio-mimetic hormone and other anti-aging therapies, stem cell treatments, wellness, and personalized lab and diagnostics. We’ll help you establish your mobile-health application so established concierge membership patients can have e-visits with you. Without a plan, you’ll reacting to opportunities instead of creating them! Don’t risk this!
20. Learning from your competition. We will show you how to visiting other physician’s websites and analyze how they leverage their services and membership amenities into profits. The goal is not to copy, but to model, what works–and what doesn’t work–in terms of generating ongoing profits.
21. Selecting follow-up growth strategies. What kind of services should you consider after successfully launching your concierge membership practice? Working together, we can explore ways to build on your brand while exploring new opportunities.
We can help you on a single call, or on an on-going basis as you plan, develop, promote, and profit from concierge medicine practice.
What’s your biggest challenge or question?
What’s keeping you from converting your practice to your new brand in the next six months? What are your challenges, concerns, and questions? More important, What can we do to help?
Take the first step towards building and re-branding for concierge medical practice success today! Tell me about your business goals and the status of your project. Ask me a question or read some of our articles on Concierge medical practice transition to organize your goals and ideas prior to our first call.
“With Maria’s valuable advice and direction, after just one call, I went back to basics, and was able to finally move forward on a previously-stalled transition to my concierge practice project. Maria was polite, empathetic, but also completely candid about what it would take to make changes that ultimately resulted in a a successful launch.”
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Our goal is to help you cultivate the right habits and make the right decisions to promote your concierge medical practice and build your new concierge medicine brand.
We help 3 core groups of physicians that want to change their situation:
- physicians just starting out
- hospitalists that want to set up a private practice
- established physicians with a traditional practice looking for a change
Whether you need a turnkey solution or a little coaching, we can help.
Our clients benefit from dozens of checklists, templates, and worksheets that can bring order out of the chaos that accompanies most concierge medicine transition and marketing/promotion projects.
Often, we can make a significant contribution to your success in just one or two online or telephone coaching sessions!
Call us to learn more. 800.727.4160[/vc_column_text][vc_divider show_line=”yes”][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
Practice Leader
Maria is always ready to help. She’s often available for a courtesy 15-minute courtesy consult. You can check her schedule to see if she’s available to speak with you now – Just click here to view her online appointment calendar.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
We offer a turnkey program that includes all of the above.
Our complete program is perfect for busy physicians who would rather focus on patient care and have us do all the preparation and practice conversion activities until it’s time to launch the newly re-branded practice. Maria’s team will become an extension of your staff, managing all the changes and supporting you every step of the way. You’ll meet with her once a week by phone or in person (in Denver) to stay in the loop and make decisions on next steps. Maria’s team handles all the heavy lifting, the paperwork, the branding, the website development, the social media marketing, patient communications and sales training for your member services coordinator. We work closely with your practice manager, your attorney, and your accountant to help you meet and exceed your stated goals.
Maria’s Conversion Coaching Program
Our Conversion Coaching program is designed for physicians who want to pursue their conversion independently and want an experienced adviser or sounding board. We help physicians who have already begun – or plan to begin — the transition process on their own and need a little additional guidance. Maria’s Conversion Coaching option makes it easy for you to purchase blocks of time for phone coaching from a concierge medical practice expert to use as you need it.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]
Meet a few of my team members who are ready to help
Our team members are all experts in their field with advanced credentials and decades of work experience. From health law experts and architects to graphic designers and medical space planners, to coding and billing and collections and managed care experts, we’ve got you covered. No other concierge medicine consulting practice offers you this much expertise by making one call.
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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Mary Pat – Will get your EMR set up and compliant for Meaningful Use[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Kevin – Produces amazing and entertaining patient education and promotional videos for your YouTube channel[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Melissa- Will get you all set up with ICD-10 because it doesn’t go away with concierge medicine.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Scott- Drafts winning sales letters and coaches you on setting up your morning “coffee break with the doc” emails.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Ilan – Brings decades of experience in branding from one of the world’s most renown ad agencies.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Steve – is a Pharmacist and Clinical Research Coordinator specializing in stem cell marketing and clinical trials.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_ff_title el_type=”h1″ align=”left” title=”We Make it Easier to Be in the Business of Concierge Medicine”][/vc_column][/vc_row]