A concierge medicine physician doesn’t need a “viral” headcount of followers. Your goal is should be that your concierge patients that are on Twitter do follow you and engage and retweet the content you share. Assume that if you have a practice of 300 concierge patients, 400 of the right followers is excellent, the...
Coffee Break with Maria Todd 4/9/2014
Your news room – a fundamental tab on your website. If you are planning to make your niche authority a part of your marketing strategy, don’t take your website “live” without it. — Maria K Todd, MHA PhD Today: Essential PR Tools #1 Your news room – a fundamental tab on your...
Coffee Break with Maria Todd 4/8/2014
Deploying a social media content strategy is important, especially for concierge physicians. And, increasingly for ACOs and Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs) that plan to enhance patient engagement as part of their quality and patient wellness strategies. Think of this not as all about finding new business (although it helps and distinguishes...