Almost all big box health plans are building their own brand of ACO with regional health systems and affiliated physician groups. “ You generally hear that what a man doesn’t know doesn’t hurt him, but in business what a man doesn’t know does hurt. ” — E.S. Lewis As experienced full-time health industry consultants, we build...
The Mail Bag – Physician Hospital Integration Legal Counsel
The Situation: The local hospital system asks your group to take part in the design and start-up of a physician hospital integration projects or ACO. The hospital proposes using a “neutral” attorney or consultant, whom it will select and pay. The Analysis: Your group should be wary of this arrangement and seek your own...
Turnaround Options for a Poorly Executed “Direct” Practice Concierge Medicine Launch
Every week, we field calls from newly-transitioned and start up concierge physicians that had poor guidance and unrealistic expectations set by their chosen consultant. Alternatively, they received good guidance but chose not to follow it in favor of a different path. I can’t call it a “strategy” because what they did was not strategic....