Scripting Once your concierge medical practice membership product has been designed and tested for market viability, expert marketing communications consultants that specialize in concierge medicine sales messaging will come to your practice, design a custom sales message that ties together patient letters, telephone scripts, your unique product offer and program. To begin with, you’ll...
Kickstarting a New Hospital Project in Developing and Transitional Economies with a GDP.
When planning for economic development involving a healthcare project, the goal is to create and maintain a strong, vibrant local economy that can meet the anticipated healthcare needs of the community is serves. Often, in developing and transitional economies, obtaining investor buy in is challenging because of problems with corruption, security risk, unfamiliarity with...
The Future of Clinical Documentation for US Integrated Health Systems
The clinical documentation market in the USA will undergo substantial change in the next two to three years. Some of these will actually be attempts to catch up to markets elsewhere in the world where clinical documentation is actually more advanced than that which is in use in North America. Documentation Volume is Expected...