MAG Onsite™ delivers the highest quality healthcare and health tourism business, clinical and safety education directly to your office so each member of your team learns the same best practices, methodology, and strategy directly from the industry gurus. FOUR EASY STEPS TO BRING MAG Onsite™ EDUCATION TO YOUR ORGANIZATION Work with Mercury Advisory Group Onsite...
FDI in Healthcare on the Rise in Developing & Transitioning Economies
Mercury Advisory Group consultants consult frequently on healthcare projects around the world that are either initiated to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) or as experts on projects that have been initiated as a result of the foreign direct investment in a region. Global foreign direct investment is undergoing a seismic shift as emerging markets countries are...
Financial and Revenue Matters for Concierge Medicine Start Up
As a veteran healthcare management consultant with more than 30 years of practical experience, I am frequently engaged to help physicians plan, launch, change, or improve their medical practice operations. Lately the calls have been coming with increasing frequency to help recent graduates and hospitalists establish a new concierge private practice. In other instances, the calls are from...