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Coffee Break with Maria Todd 4/8/2014

Deploying a social media content strategy is important, especially for concierge physicians. And, increasingly for ACOs and Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs) that plan to enhance patient engagement as part of their quality and patient wellness strategies. Think of this not as all about finding new business (although it helps and distinguishes...

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Coffee Break with Maria Todd 4/7/2014

Many physicians call me to ask what to do about the threatening letters they receive from managed care organizations (MCOs) that threaten to discharge them because they opened a concierge practice. There are many things to consider but much depends on three things: your current contract, how you’ve organized your concierge practice,...

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Coffee Break with Maria Todd 4/4/2014

Hospitals and physicians develop new clinical trials in their offices along with other service lines as a means to attract new patients and revenue. For hospitals, however, much of healthcare now happens outside of the hospital, outside its purview and brand dominance. — Maria K Todd, MHA PhD Today: Adding Stem Cell...