Often we are called on as consultants to help healthcare businesses re-brand their image to something more modern and up-to-date as part of a marketing strategy. This is especially important for concierge medicine physicians that want to totally revamp their practice with a new look, new color scheme, and other indicia that the new concierge practice is different, vibrant, reborn, and revitalized. Here are some design inspirations for when you are looking for that new image.
These camera ready layouts and others can be custom-prepared for you in three days. Simply send our graphic artists the information and your corporate color choices. Only $45. Additional card layouts in the same design for other practitioners are only $15 per additional layout. Order cards for physicians, practice administrators, and marketing specialists. And don’t forget to order some for your concierge membership sales coordinator!
[vc_call_to_action title=”Are you looking to rebrand your practice?” button_title=”Call on us for Assistance Today” button_link=”http://mercuryadvisorygroup.com/contact/”][/vc_call_to_action]
And don’t forget, Mercury Advisory Group’s professional graphics and marketing specialists will help you with every aspect of your branding and advertising package, from brochures, to website, to patient education materials, newsletter, YouTube videos, sales letters for concierge membership transitions, social media page designs and more. They often work together with our Meaningful Use experts to produce advanced functionality on websites, mobile Health applications and more. At Mercury Advisory Group, we’re your one stop shop for anything to do with healthcare business management.
[vc_call_to_action title=”Ask us to add a free pharmacy discount savings code to the back of your business card that works at 65,000 pharmacies, nationwide.” button_title=”Learn More” button_link=”http://mercuryadvisorygroup.com/contact/”][/vc_call_to_action]