Scripting for concierge medical practice membership sales


Once your concierge medical practice membership product has been designed and tested for market viability, expert marketing communications consultants that specialize in concierge medicine sales messaging will come to your practice, design a custom sales message that ties together patient letters, telephone scripts, your unique product offer and program.

To begin with, you’ll need much more than a membership contract template. Here’s why: The purpose of a contract is to clarify the expectations between the parties. It highlights the term of the agreement, the offer and the acceptance, the price and the deliverable, as well as contingencies in the case of non-performance or “breach”. The contract doesn’t “sell” memberships, it formalizes a relationship in writing. Relationships between people and active selling “sells” memberships. So, unless your product offer is boilerplate, their is no such thing as a boilerplate concierge medical practice membership contract.

Sales Training

Our sales trainers are specialized in concierge membership and healthcare sales. They conduct one-on-one intense sales training for your membership coordinator (and a backup staffer) so that you remain focused on direct patient care instead of “selling” from the exam room. Let’s face reality:  no one wants to be sold anything in their underwear or a paper gown and drape…or take any of their precious seven minute office visit “being sold”.  It is our professional opinion that the doctor should stay one step removed from the heavy selling.  Patients want that time with you to be special and focused on them… not your sales pitch.

After the initial training session, trainers remain available and on standby for questions, challenges, and advice. Each month, they check in with you to review progress, trends, and changes in the market that may signal a need for a tweak here and there. In the unfortunate event that your membership coordinator leaves to work someplace else, or gets “poached”, they will return to train the new coordinator and make sure they are ready to succeed.

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We’ve had a few physicians ask if all this can be done over the phone or a web-enabled chat session in order to save time and money. The answer is “we suppose so”, but not by anyone at our firm. And if we had a recommendation for someone who does and effective job that way, we’d list their number right here for you.


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