Once you have your concierge medical practice open and operating, it’s time to execute on your membership subscription sales strategy… er..um, you have one, right?
If you’ve ever eaten at a fast food restaurant, and had the cashier suggest fries with your order or a super-sized upgrade, your cashier or order taker used a well-tested sales technique called the “upsell”. Upselling has been proven to raise customer loyalty and improve sales volumes, but only if done correctly. When attempted at the wrong point in the conversation or without relevance, it can backfire terribly.
The Ask: Do it just when the prospective member is ready to sign the membership agreement; not before.
Often, when I just want to seek out information, the salesperson won’t stop badgering me with additional offers that don’t interest me the slightest. I view this as a time waster and it is irritating. To avoid doing this, have your membership sales coordinator have add-ons that he or she can offer at the point of membership contract execution. New concierge patients are full of hope that the membership will be wonderful, the birds will sing, the weight will come off, appointments will run on time, and on and on. This is the honeymoon phase. They are more likely to say yes when they are already in buying mode and have their credit card out and ready to be swiped. Add some massage treatments, a nutritionist visit, or a 20% discount on some supplements or vitamins you have available for purchase.
Relevance is Key
Be sure that you train the concierge membership sales coordinator to offer add-ons that are relevant. With a patient that has a 15% body fat content, don’t offer the nutritionist weight loss combo visit. Part of your sales strategy should include items that can be logically coupled and sold together as add on upsell bundles. Put together different upsell combinations for different target member personas.
While some may say “no thank you” to your additional offers, upselling can easily add 30% or more to membership and add-on product and service revenues, over and above the medical office visits and straight membership sales. When someone declines the offer, your membership sales coordinator should be friendly and easy-going about it and assure the patient that if they every change their mind it can be added at any time.
Concierge medical practice subscriptions require sales training finesse to maximize your sales coordinator’s effectiveness. Provide them the specialized sales training they need to succeed. Call us and we’ll send a sales trainer to your location to assess what’s happening onsite and on the phone, what can be improved. They’ll come up with an action plan and then provide the training your sales coordinator needs to succeed. There’s no extra cost involved to train additional team members as a backup.
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