The 80/20 rule for emails that sell like hotcakes

Scott says that when you’re doing market research to plan a successful email marketing campaign, you have to research your target audience. He suggests that marketers should zero in on the following points:

  • The pressing problems your market is currently experiencing
  • The language your target market talks (slang, serious, humor, immature etc)
  • The beliefs of your target market
  • The dreams, hopes, ambitions of your target market
  • The fears of your target market
  • What annoys or frustrates our market
  • The common interests or goals that your target market shares

Copywriting master Michel Fortin says he spends 80% of his time doing research. And the other 20% doing the actual writing. What’s your ratio of research to actual writing?

Every day, our team members receive thoughtless and annoying email campaign blasts from medical tourism hospitals, facilitators, and other suppliers around the world. Usually these come within a day or two of their request for a connection on LinkedIn. They don’t just send one email, they send one to each of us with whom they’ve connected, including recipients that would have absolutely no interest in these time wasting irrelevant messages. It is frustrating to say the least.  It shows that they are unclear on the concept as to what their email campaign is supposed to achieve.


Their messaging is full of what they want and care about which essentially boils down to: “We offer a cheaper alternative, so send us patients, and we’ll pay you a commission”. It is worded as if we already know who they are and why we should trust them enough to refer our clients to their business.  They have no clue and could not care less what we care about as the recipient of these blasts.  The roadside of medical tourism business development is littered with these startups. It is unfortunate that they don’t put any real effort into market research to identify the above points.  It’s only a matter of time until their eventual business failure and blacklisting for spam emails.

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