Connecting with the Concierge Membership Patient

As part of our concierge practice transition exercises, we conduct consumer research to connect with concierge membership patients and learn their preferences for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) through potential member discovery sessions. We employ unique and creative techniques to elicit candid consumer feedback from our clients’ existing traditional patients. In one case, we did...

Hospital waiting times growing in 12 OECD countries

Measuring and Comparing Health Care Waiting Times in OECD Countries provides comparative data on waiting times across twelve OECD countries, namely: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Finland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Click the link to read the report Measuring and Comparing Health Care Waiting Times in OECD Countries[vc_column_inner...

value branding and marketing for physicians

Content Marketing Strategies for Concierge Physicians: Do You Need One?

Concierge physicians must take the time to carefully plan their content marketing strategy, paying close attention to the engagement level and results of posts. Content. Marketing. Strategy. Buzzwords All. Put them together in one sentence, and we’re talking about a Content Marketing Strategy. Why would a content marketing strategy be a concern of concierge physicians,...