Your Reputation in Social Media: Why it Matters

Your brand reputation plays a key role in the positivity aspect of social media (and in your revenue and reimbursement contracts) In 2011, researchers Kietzmann, McCarthy, et al, developed a logical framework to define the most essential parts of social media, synthesizing what they’d learned in studying dozens of other research projects on the subject....

Copywriting Skills for Doctors that Blog

Write to one existing patient persona. Instead of sitting around dreaming up stuff you guess people might react favorably to, tell an educated story based on one or more archetypal individuals who represent the whole. — Maria K Todd In this blog post, I am going to focus on five key takeaways you’ll want...

How to Quote an Outpatient Case Rate

Many healthcare providers in the USA have been burned by poorly written, poorly negotiated managed care contracts, nonspecific case rates, inadequate training or experience, and a lack of information about costs and the clinical knowledge of the cases.As a former surgical nurse and managed care contracting expert, I guess I've taken for granted the...