Coffee Break with Maria Todd (01 April 2014)

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_ff_title el_type=”h1″ align=”left” title=”Each weekday morning, Maria Todd shares a useful tip to cogitate during your morning java break.”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]Update my newsletter subscription preferences

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View Archives[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]Photo of Maria K ToddShare Coffee Break with a Colleague Today[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]coffee-break header[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_divider show_line=”yes”][vc_column_text]For more than 30 years, Maria Todd has been a strategic advisor to healthcare businesses, investors, and government leaders. She is knowledgeable about health policy, healthcare delivery reforms, health tourism, pharma, biotech, medical device, m-health, and insurance industry issues.

Her focus includes health policy and finance, benefits design, business startup and operations strategy, reimbursement, and business development. She help clients solve complex problems and leverage new business opportunities in Concierge Medicine, Physician Integration, Health Tourism, Managed Care Negotiations, and Healthcare reform.

She is author of the Managed Care Contracting Handbook, 2nd Edition, and the Handbook of Medical Tourism Program Development and 12 other professional trade book titles. Her latest, The Handbook of Concierge Medical Practice Development will soon be available.

Maria blogs on a variety of healthcare business topics most weekdays at and is a guest contributor for several international magazines and journals each month. She used her advanced knowledge of health tourism, managed care, and integrated health delivery systems operations to develop the world’s first and only globally integrated health delivery system®, for which she was awarded a trademark registration from the USPTO in 2010 for the new term of art.

An award-winning speaker, she is frequently hired to speak internationally on a wide variety leading edge healthcare topics.[/vc_column_text][vc_divider show_line=”yes”][vc_column_text]Physician-Employment-contract-Handbook by Maria K Todd of Mercury Advisory Group

When it’s time to add another physician, nurse practitioner or PA, you can find lots of helpful information and model contracts inThe Physician Employment Contract Handbook

Order Your Copy Now[/vc_column_text][vc_divider show_line=”yes”][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Concierge Medicine Resources (CMR) is the specialized team of Mercury Advisory Group consultants and specialists that assist physicians considering a switch to a concierge or direct practice business model with feasibility, planning, strategy, compliance, conversion, launch assistance, operations and ongoing marketing activities for their concierge practice.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

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Today’s Musing

A few of my favorite Android medical apps for healthcare professionals

Of course, we all know Epocrates and MedScape, but today, there’s so much more out there.

The buzz surrounding Android — exciting phones, expanding market share, more apps, and even a “Medical” category on the Market – point toward the continued presence of Android in the competition for the hearts, minds, and wallets of health care professionals and students.  As an avid Samsung Note user, I have to admit that I was an iPhone die hard. Not no mo’!


AliveCor’s FDA-cleared Heart Monitor & AliveECG app for the android® is for use by medical professionals and patients to record and review single-channel electrocardiogram (ECG) rhythm strips. This app requires the AliveCor Heart Monitor device that attaches to your mobile phone for taking ECG recordings. The monitor costs $199, and 10% discounts are often available through

AliveCor  turns your smartphone into an electrocardiogram by snapping onto the back of any iPhone. Now you can record your ECG in seconds. Just start the app and place your  fingers on the metal sensors. To take cardiac measurements, the user presses the device against the skin found near the heart. The device has received much recognition  for its mobility and the anticipation of its capability to catch irregular heart rhythms earlier.  Oh, and they have a vet’s model too, for my concierge housecall vet!

Hint: So if I were to form an MSO that could manage a nationwide battalion of part-time hospitalists, NPs and PAs that wanted to moonlight in a concierge/direct practice that does strictly house/office calls and hotel calls – this app would be at their disposal.

Compatibility: iPhone, android


ResolutionMD™ Mobile is the medical viewing app, enabling instant access to radiology diagnostic images and reports from mobile devices. ResolutionMD enables doctors to securely view patient images from a wide array of mobile devices, collaborate with other practitioners and produce high quality medical diagnosis from any location in real time. It allows you to share images interactively with other practitioners anytime, anywhere. FDA cleared.

Compatibility: iPhone, android

Dosecast – Medication Reminder

Dosecast reminds patients or their caregivers to take medications, vitamins, or birth control pills on time, and tracks medication adherence. The app is both flexible and easy-to-use, with all rich features included in the comp edition. It reliably sends dose reminders with or without an internet connection. It tracks the time zone the patient is in when travelling and adjusts reminders accordingly, so they get notified correctly no matter where they are. If they miss the first reminder, Dosecast can nag them every few minutes until they respond. It helps them take doses on a daily/weekly/monthly schedule, every X days/weeks, only on certain days of the week, or even after a pre-set number of hours or days since the last dose. Avoid dangerous overdoses by setting a maximum number of doses allowed per day or per 24 hours. Patients (and caregivers of seniors) can set the drug name, dosage information, directions, and notes that appear in the reminders for each dose. Patients can also postpone a reminder before or after it goes off. The app tracks when the patient is sleeping and when treatment begins and ends, so there are no unwanted alarms. No personally identifiable information is collected when using Dosecast, so patients can keep their information private. All drug information is encrypted, even when in transit, so using the app is safe even from a public access point.

Hint: Every concierge physician should give this app to his/her patient along with their prescriptions and a branded prescription discount card. In fact, I would add the info about the app to the discount card, printed right on it.

We just had one of the discount cards save a high-deductible cash patient the half the price of his annual membership fee in his first use of the card. Call me for details.
Compatibility: iPhone, android

Guideline Central

Choose from thousands of medical guidelines representing all of the main clinical specialties and most well-known medical associations in the world. These are official society guidelines, condensed into a quick reference format that is current, practical and portable.

Hint: Don’t hoard the tool! Share this with your defense appeals specialist and pre-authorizations staff when fighting claims or service denials with insurers and case managers. Use it to beef up your documentation by citing the protocol when you set up your EMR templates.

Compatibility: iPhone, android

Manage My Pain

Helps patients and their physicians others to better understand what they are going through. The app enables patients to provide evidence of their pain for their doctors, insurance companies, or government agencies. It is the most effective pain management app to record, track, analyze, & share pain tracking. Touch-based entry in 30 seconds plus free text descriptors.

Compatibility: iPhone, android


Why have your patients pay $49 copay plus insurance to talk with a doctor that’s not you? MeVisit is an online doctor’s appointment between a patient and his or her own private healthcare provider. Think of it as a mobile, electronic doctor visit, or “house call by smartphone.”  For physicians, meVisit documents the full encounter for the medical record to minimize misunderstanding and misrepresentation. A thorough HPI and PMH are provided directly by the patient and accompanied to the unique treatment plan that you have recommended. meVisit avoids the liability of undocumented phone calls, casual advice, and informal treatment decisions. It also  provides a mechanism for clinicians to be properly compensated for their intellectual work. And e-commerce opens a new and permanent line of revenue that will only grow as our culture continues to embrace online sales and services. Many states currently require insurers to pay physicians for this type of visit.

Compatibility: iPhone, android

Do you have a favorite app you’d like to share, simply respond to this email with a link to the manufacturer and we’ll share it in a future update. Thanks!

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